Is Buying A House Plan Online a Good Idea?
Is buying a house plan online a good idea? To answer this question you must first ask yourself, “what are my goals for this project?” If you are thinking of building a custom home or your dream home, there are several reasons why hiring an architect for your project can be advantageous over buying a pre-made plan online. Below we’ll outline a few of the most important reasons for hiring an architect rather than buying plans from an online catalogue:
Personalized design: Architects like those of us here at David Stumpf Architecture, LLC can create a custom design tailored to your specific needs and preferences. We work with you to understand your lifestyle, functional needs, aesthetic preferences, and create a design that meets those requirements. This level of personalization is not possible with pre-made plans, and will culminates with a truly custom home.
Site-specific design: As Architects we can design a home that takes into account the unique features and characteristics of your building site, such as topography, orientation, views, and prevailing winds. This can result in a home that is better integrated with its surroundings and that takes advantage of natural light and ventilation if that is a goal of yours.
Expertise: Architects have extensive training and experience in designing buildings that are functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. We are knowledgeable about building codes, regulations, and construction methods, and can ensure that your home meets all of these necessary requirements. As Architects, in the United States, we are licensed to practice by each state, and are held to a minimum standard of care through a rigorous several year “internship” process (similar to a physician’s residency) which culminates with six licensing examinations before we can be deemed by the state to be competent enough to practice on our own. Be wary of individuals who tout themselves as “draftsmen/draftswomen”, “home designers”, or “building designers”, they are not Architects, and as such are not held to the same minimum standard of care or licensing requirements that Architects are.
Cost-effectiveness: While hiring an architect may seem like an additional expense, a well-designed home can actually save you money in the long run. Plans purchased through an online catalogue almost always lack detail, and usually consist of a few pages of the bare minimum amount of detail. Because of this lack of detail, as the home owner, you are the one stuck answering all of the questions during the construction process. An architect will most often crate a set of plans that is very detailed, and will answer many of your builder’s questions about how the home is constructed, structural assembly, how ornamental details are located or sized, what finishes are to be used, and the overall aesthetics of the home. Architects can help you select building materials and systems that are energy-efficient and cost-effective, along with answering the many thousands of questions that arise when designing and building a home thus reducing your long-term costs in delays from those questions that weren’t figured out in the design process, construction, and the operation of your home.
Resale value: It goes without saying, a custom-designed home by an architect can often have a higher resale value compared to a pre-made plan. This is because a well-designed and unique home can be more desirable to potential buyers, and there is a level of care and understanding that goes into the design of details and proportions of building elements that is lacking with a premade plan set.

In summary, hiring an architect for a custom home can provide a vast range of benefits that you may not see or understand at first. Once you’ve pulled the vail back on this mystery and realized just how little you get when purchasing a premade plan from a catalogue you’ll begin to understand the value an Architect brings to your project, including personalized design, site-specific design, expertise, cost-effectiveness, and potential for higher resale value. If you still think purchasing a plan will work best for your unique situation, and you like any of the homes on our website please reach out to us to discuss the possibility of purchasing a plan set directly from us. Some of the home we’ve designed have plan sets available for purchase, and are of a quality that can not be matched by any stock catalogue of home plans.
If you’re interested in learning more about how we can help you create the home of your dreams head over to our “contact” page, and fill out our potential client form there. We will be delighted to speak with you and discuss your project. Even if we aren’t a good fit for your project, we’d be happy to help point you in the right direction!